
What is trait anxiety establish the difference between

1 - What is 'trait anxiety'?

2 - Establish the difference between someone who is' low trait anxious' and someone who is 'high trait anxious'?

3 - Make a list of 5 complex and mentally demanding exercise skills from various sports and activities where it is essential that an athlete acquire a low state of arousal to perform the task. What tools and techniques do you think athletes could use to achieve lower states of arousal?

4 - Clarify the difference between 'broad focus' and 'narrow focuses'

5 - Clarify the difference between 'external focus' and 'internal focuses'

6 - Why do you think 'over arousal' can possibly limit the attention capacity of an athlete?

7 - Choose an athlete from one of the sports in the table. List all the possible factors you think that may demand their attention within that particular sport. These could be physiological as well as psychological cues and or environmental.

8 - Athletes who possess mental toughness are seen to:

9 - fill in a list of Triggers, Releases and Cue Words that would be appropriate for you in any activity, sport or recreation of your choice. Indicate when it would be appropriate to use these.

10 - Define the meaning of stress according to learner guide.

11 - Stress in the sporting environment is different for every athlete. How an athlete handles stressful situations depends on what?

12 - List some common psychological and behavioural stress symptoms an athlete may experience before or during practice and competition

13 - List 4 Psychological skills for managing stress

14 - List some common physiological symptoms that are associated with overtraining.

15 - devise a strategy to encourage female teenagers to keep participating in sport and also to take up a sport

16 - Explain the difference between the terms 'over-reaching' and 'Unexplained Underperformance Syndrome'or (UUPS)

17 - List 6 names which are used to describe UUPS.

18 - List the symptoms of 'Unexplained Underperformance Syndrome'.

19- At junior level sport what emphasis should a coach instil in his or her athletes? Do you agree or disagree and why?

20 - Coaches who adopt aggressive forms of communication such as 'shouting and yelling' instructions to players are seen to be ineffective. Do you agree? Why or why not?

21- What methods of coaching could be adopted that would activate a sporting environment that is competitive without heightened levels of aggression and still have an emphasis on fun?

22 - Complete the following sentence. "The coach who gets into a player's face the moment they sit down is not doing anything to relieve the situation- if anything, they are helping to maintain___________________________________________.

23 - Social factors are producing a society more tolerant of bad behavior and violence, and that is spilling over into sport. From this statement what do you think those social factors maybe? Give detail. From this article what have you learnt to be beneficial towards positive coaching practices?

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Dissertation: What is trait anxiety establish the difference between
Reference No:- TGS02402299

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