Discuss the below:
After a long few weeks looking at multiple case studies across the terrorism spectrum, as well as our comprehensive look at contemporary terrorism policy and governance, we now end the semester with a conversation on the balance of security v. privacy.
There is no perfect answer - this will always be much more of a public policy balance and art, then a pure science.
Taking in to account a semi-recent Pew Study that looks at the public concerns around the perceived trade-offs between privacy and security (https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2013/06/07/balancing-act-national-security-and-civil-liberties-in-post-911-era/). I would like your commentary on the issue. Simply look at the question, "how do we as a civil global society, balance our desire for security, and our requirement for individual freedom and liberties?"
Share your thoughts in 300-500 words,