
What is title ix for a student


1. What is title IX and how does it impactt you as a student

Title IX is found under the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX is a federal law in which the discrimination in education programs is prohibited if they receive federal funding. Title IX involves discrimination against sexual violence, sexual discrimination, gender misconduct, and gender-based harassment. This does not mean that you can only be sexually assaulted or discriminated in person, or in this case, on campus. Title IX applies to online student as well. Many forms of harassment or discrimination can be done through an online environment through sexual remarks, aggressive comments or even stalking.

There are multiple ways Title IX can impact you as a student. First, harrassemnt or discrimination can happen to you and if it does, there are specific procedures in place to make sure appropriate measures are taken. Title IX also holds others accountable in regards to keeping an eye or ear out to those around them and step up or report anything they feel is wrongly taking place. This last comment is not just regarding sexual behaviors; it also is referring to bullying. Bullying is something that takes place more often than we even realize and by keeping an eye or ear out for situations and stepping up, you might be able to stop a situation before it has been taken too far. Lastly, you can be on the other end of the spectrum and be the one who is initiating unwanted and unwarranted sexual behavior. The best way to handle situations is to never assume, be clear in communication and understand people may not want the same things you want, and that has to be okay.
Another important area that this document briefly mentioned was, Quid Pro Quo harassment. This is very important to understand as a student; it is not ok to exchange sexual favors with a teacher for a higher grade. Also, with a coach in an athletic situation for a better spot on the team. As well as, in a work place where your boss may offer you a promotion in exchange for a sexual favor.

GCU follows strict guidelines and enforces all aspects of Title IX. There are many ways an individual can report such behaviors such as GCU's department of public safety, your local police department, along with other areas you can find on the website and file a complaint.
Title IX is a Federal civil rights amendment in the United States of America which was passed in 1972 by than President Nixon as part of the amendment for education. The Title IX is a law to prevent all gender discriminations in the athletic system, which gives equal right to educational programs,and activities that receives Federal assistance.

The title IX impact the students in a positive way because due to the universities receiving Federal funding they are obligated and will be held legally responsible when such discrimination occurs under their umbrella and chose to ignore or cover up when in knowledge. This law protect us student from sexual harassment, rape, sexual assault, verbally, physically and many other discrimination levels. The school has many resource such as reporting, 1800 numbers, police and opening that door of commutation with your teachers and or someone you trust. Whether you on line and or in class in still covers you not to be a victim male or female. As a student at GCU we have the protection no matter if its teasing or joke anytime it can go to the next level and even being in a hostile environment.


Title IX is an article or training that helps you to understand your rights as a student when it comes to sexual harassment. This article provides you with information on how the fundamentals of sexual harassment and the types of harassment that could happen. It also provides the vital information on how to notify someone if you need the assistance regarding sexual harassment on the campus area as well as the evening and online students that attends GCU. This information impacts you as a student because you need are not always aware of when sexual harassment takes place and knowing when it is happening can make you proactive instead of reactive to get the situation handled. Reading through the article it lets me know that that cyber harassment can still happen and if it does then what steps I would need to take. That is very helpful because we as online scholars are not aware or what we should do when we are being harassed online. Being apart of GCU and knowing that you are safe on campus and online for your classes kind of puts you are ease. Not saying you should worry but just know that you are able to reach out and get help makes it easier to be calm and taking the proper steps. Instead of sitting back not saying anything and giving up on your future and your dreams. Having these set in place just makes me more grateful that I chose to attend here than any other university because this lets me know that you care about your young scholars well -being and how you want them to be more conscious of what is going on around them and how it could affect them if nothing is done about the situation.

Attachment:- Non-consensual video-audio-taping of sexual activity.rar

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