Multiple-choice questions
Q1: _____________________ One of the internet's most popular applications.
a) Email
b) Facebook
c) Twitter
d) All of the above
Q2: Important email aspects not to be overlooked in a business transaction are:
a) Language
b) Disclaimers
c) Potential for viruses
d) All of the above
Q3: A(n) _____________________, is a small text file placed on the user's hard drive, often unknown to the user, by the host of the website visited.
a. cookie
b. web bug
c. data
d. virus
True and False questions
State whether the following statements are True or False:
Q4: The importance of privacy is different from individual to individual, community to community and organization to organization.
Q5: An increase in the amount of data collected and stored also leads to an increase in mistakes.
Q6: Attachments cannot be printed and printout used as an original document.
Short answer questions
Q7: What is the web bugs?
Q8: Regulations in cyberspace should develop in what way?
Essay question:
Answer the following Essay Type Questions:
Q9: Discuss in details the time and place of dispatch and receipt of an email?