Response to the following problem:
The MOSFETs in the circuit of Fig. are matched,havingk1n(W/L)1 =k1p(W/L)2 =1 mA/V2 and /Vt / = 0.5 V. The resistance R = 1MΩ
(a) For G and D open, what are the drain currents ID1 and ID2?
(b) For ro = ∞, what is the voltage gain of the amplifier from G to D?
(Hint: Replace the transistors with their small-signal models.)
(c) For finite ro( /VA /= 20 V), what is the voltage gain from G to D and the input resistance at G?
(d) If G is driven (through a large coupling capacitor) from a source vsig having a resistance of 20 kΩ find the voltage gain vd /vsig.
(e) For what range of output signalsdo Q1:and Q2:remain in the saturation region?