
What is the volcano type volcano types include composite


Answer the following questions and fill in the tables for the volcano that you signed up for. Write In the answers on this sheet (do not type up a separate report).

You must have at least 3 separate sources for the Information that you have acquired. Must use sources outside of the lecture slides and text book!

A good place to start research Is to look up your volcano on the following website: https://www.vokano.si.edalist_volcano_hoiocene.cfm
When did the volcano last erupt or show recent activity? Note: some volcanoes are currently in eruption.

Write one interesting fact about the volcano that you chose or one feature that makes it unique:

1. What is the volcano type? Volcano types include composite cone (stratovolcano), shield volcano, cinder cone, lava domes, caldera, fissure vents, or complex volcano.

2. What tectonic feature or plate boundary is the volcano associated with? Examples include divergent boundary, subduction zone, hotspot, or continental rifting.

3. What is the dominant composition or compositions of the Igneous rocks that form the volcano? Common examples include basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite, dacite, and rhyolite. Note that some volcanoes extrude lava of unique or unusual compositions that we may not learn about in class.

4. Describe the nature of the eruptions produced by the volcano in detail. For example, does the volcano commonly produce explosive eruptions or are the eruptions more effusive in which lava flows are extruded from vents? Note that some may produce both.

5. What are the potential hazards associated with the volcano? Be sure to describe the hazards

In detail. Hazard types: lahars, pyroclastic flows, ash clouds, lava flows, volcanic gases, landslides, etc.

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Science: What is the volcano type volcano types include composite
Reference No:- TGS02171536

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