Solve the numerical:
Q: Two trains are passing against each other. train A is going north with velocity of 76 km/hour. train B is going south with velocity of 152 km/hour. a passenger in train A see the smoke that emitted from his train chimney making an angle of 60 degrees from the west to the south. a passenger in train B see the smoke that emitted from his train chimney making an angle of 30 degrees from the south to the north.
a) What is the velocity of the wind - in respect to the ground? the value of the velocity (of the wind) , and the direction (angle) of the velocity of the wind (how many degrees from the west to the south)
b) what is the velocity of the smoke of train A , in respect to viewer in train A?
c) what is the velocity of the smoke of train B, in respect to viewer in train B ?