
What is the value of fire detection and suppression systems


QUESTION 1. What is the value of fire detection and suppression systems in all types of occupancies? Have you seen these type of systems in use and how have they assisted in a fire situation?


QUESTION 2. Compare and contrast steel and concrete construction including the fire resistance properties of each. Understanding the construction principles as well as the fire resistance properties of each construction type, what is your mindset from a tactical approach to the mitigation of a fire at these occupancies in order to avoid the hazards associated with these buildings?

200 words

QUESTION 3. You are the lieutenant of a fire company and are assigned to conduct a preplan on the site of a new Type I high-rise that is currently under construction. As you preplan the building, please explain the advantages and disadvantages of this completed construction type and how it makes your job easier, or more difficult, in the event of an emergency. Your answer should focus on the tactical approaches for a completed building and not the preplan (construction phase).

200 words

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Science: What is the value of fire detection and suppression systems
Reference No:- TGS03181308

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