
What is the url of the web site is this page appealing or


Good artists view and analyze many paintings. Good writers read and evaluate many books. Similarly, good Web designers view and scrutinize many Web pages. Surf the Web and find two Web pages, one that is appealing to you and one that is unappealing to you. Print out each page. Create a Web page that answers the following questions for each of your examples:

a. What is the URL of the Web site?

b. Does this page use tables? If so, for what purpose-page layout, organization of information, or another reason?

c. Does this page use CSS? If so, for what purpose-page layout, text and color configuration, or another reason?

d. Is this page appealing or unappealing? List three reasons for your answer.

e. If this page is unappealing, what would you do to improve it?

Open your file in Notepad and print the source code for the page. Display your page in a browser and print the page. Hand in both printouts to your instructor.

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Computer Engineering: What is the url of the web site is this page appealing or
Reference No:- TGS02673051

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