
What is the type of the function test

Discuss the below:

Q. Consider the following function prototypes:

int test(int, char, double, int);
double two(double, double);
char three(int, int, char, double);

Response the following questions.

a. How many parameters does the function test have? What is the type of the function test?

b. How many parameters does function two have? What is the type of function two?

c. How many parameters does function three have? What is the type of function three?

d. How many actual parameters are needed to call the function test? What is the type of each actual parameter, and in what order should you use these parameters in a call to the function test?

e. Write a C++ statement that prints the value returned by the function test with the actual parameters 5, 5, 7.3. and ‘z'.

f. Write a C++ statement the prints the value returned by function two with the actual parameters 17.5 and 18.3, respectively.

g. Write a C++ statement the prints the next character returned by function three. (Use your own actual parameters.)

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C/C++ Programming: What is the type of the function test
Reference No:- TGS01937884

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