
What is the truncation error for ftcs is this scheme

Assignment 1:

Two parallel plates extended to infinity are a distance of h = 4cm apart. The fluid within the plates has a kinematic viscosity of v = 0.000217m2/s. The upper plate is stationary and the lower one is suddenly set in motion with a constant velocity of Uo = 40m/s. The governing equation is Navier-Stokes simplified as:

∂u/∂t = v.∂2u/∂y2

where y is the cross-stream direction and u(y, t) is the streamwise velocity component. Use a first-order forward-time and second-order central space (FTCS) scheme to discretize the PDE.

1. What is the truncation error for FTCS? Is this scheme consistent?

2. The stability condition for FTCS is given by: d = vΔt/Δy2 ≤ 0.5. Verify this condition numerically by examining the velocity profile for different Δt and Δy.

3. Plot the velocity profile at various times till the flow reaches steady state.

4. At steady state, obtain the analytical solution by solving ∂2u/∂y2 = 0. Validate your numerical results with the analytical solution.

Assigment 2. Laminar Flow in a Pipe

consider the steady state flow in a. (2D) pipe with diameter U = 0.2M and length L = 8m. The inlet velocity is U = 1 m/s which is uniform acres the cross section. The fluid exhausts into the ambient atmosphere which is at a pressure of 1 atm. The fluid density is ρ = 1 kg/m3 and coefficient of viscosity μ = 2 x 10-3 kg/m.s. The Reynolds number Re based on the pipe. diameter is Re = ρUD/μ = 100. Use FLUENT to solve and analyze the flow inside this pipe.

1. Plot the centerline axial velocity vs. axial coordinate,

2. Plot the velocity vectors along the pipe.

3. Plot the fully developed axial velocity vs. radial coordinate (r). Validate your results by comparing with the analytical solution (u = 3/2U[1 - (2r/D)2]). Note that this expression is valid for a 2D pipe; for a. circular pipe (3D or axisymmetric) the velocity profile is u = 2U[1 - (2r/D)2].

4. Refine your mesh and repeat your calculations. Verify your results by comparing the fine- and coarse-mesh solutions.

Assignment 3. Convective Heat transfer in a laminar pipe flow

Consider the steady state flow in a (2D axisyrnmetric) pipe with diameter D = 0.2M and length L = 2m. The inlet velocity is U = 1 m/s and temperature T = 300K, which are uniform across the cross section. The fluid exhausts into the ambient atmosphere which is at a pressure of 1 atm. The fluid density is ρ = 1 kg/m3 and coefficient of viscosity μ = 2 x 10-3 kg/m.s. The Reynolds number Re based on the pipe diameter is Re = ρUD/μ = 100 and the Prandtl number of the fluid is Pr = 1. There is a constant heat flux at the wall q." = 1000 W/m2. The conductivity of the fluid is k = 0.5 W/m.K . Use FLUENT to solve and analyze the flow and heat transfer inside this pipe.

1. Refine your mesh and repeat your calculations. Verify your results by comparing the fine-and coarse-mesh solutions.

2. Plot the temperature at the centerline and at the wall vs. axial coordinate.

3. Plot the contours of temperature within the pipe.

4. Plot the fully developed temperature vs. radial coordinate (r). Validate your results by comparing with the analytical solution

T - Tc = 1/α.(dTm/dx).(UcD2/16).[(2r/D)2 - 1/4(2r/D)4], where Tc and Uc, are the centerline temperature and axial velocity, respectively and Tm, is mean temperature. Mean temperature is defined by employing Newton's law of cooling: q·" = h(Ts - Tm) where Ts, is surface temperature, Note that in thermally fully developed region, dTm/dx is constant. Also, α = μ/Pr.ρ is the thermal diffusivity.

5. Find the hydrodynamic entrance length Lh by visual inspection of the velocity profile). How does your result compare with the theoretical formula Lh/D = 0.056Re?

6. Compute the Nusselt number in the fully developed region. How does your result compare with the theoretical value Nu = hD/k = 4.364? (h is the convective heat transfer coefficient).

Assignment 4. Turbulent Flow in a Pipe

Consider the turbulent flow in a pipe with diameter D = 0.2 m and length = 4 m. The inlet velocity is U = 1 m/s which is uniform across the cross section. The fluid density p = 1 kg/m3 and viscosity μ = 2 x 10-3 kg /m.3. Therefore, the Reynolds number Re based on the pipe diameter is Re = ρUD/μ = 10,000. Use FLUENT to solve and analyze the flow inside this pipe. For turbulence modeling, use the standard k - ∈ model with the inlet turbulent intensity of %1. Using such Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) description of turbulence we can consider a 2D a.xisymmetric domain at steady-state.

1. Refine your mesh and repeat your calculations. Verify your results by comparing the fine- and coarse-mesh solutions.

2. Plot the wall y+ vs. axial coordinate. For acceptable near wall resolution we must have y+ < 5 at the wall for all axial locations. Is this condition satisfied in your simulations?

3. Find the hydrodynamic entrance length Lh (by visual inspection of the velocity profile). How does your result compare with the theoretical formula

Lh/D = 1.359Re1/4?

4. Plot the skin friction coefficient Cf = τw/(1/2ρu‾2) vs. axial coordinate, where τw and u‾ denote the wall shear stress and the mean axial velocity across a cross section of the pipe, respectively. In the fully developed region, how does your result compare with the theoretical value Cf = 0.0085 for turbulent flow in a smooth pipe?

5. Plot the velocity profile vs. radial coordinate. How does the peak velocity in the fully developed region compare with umax/u‾ = 1 + 1.33√f, where umax is the maximum velocity and f = 4Cf is the Darcy friction factor. From continuity we have u‾ = U = 1 m/s. Qualitatively compare this velocity profile with that of a laminar flow. What can you say about difference in mixing in laminar and turbulent cases?

Assignment 5

Two parallel plates extended to infinity are a distance of h = 4 cm apart. The fluid within the plates has a kinematic viscosity of v = 0.000217m2/s. The upper plate is stationary and the lower one is suddenly set in motion with a. constant velocity of U0 = 40 m/s. The governing equation is Navier-Stokras simplified as:

u/∂t = v.∂2u/∂y2

where y is the cross-stream direction and u(y, t) is the streamwise velocity component. Use a first-order forward-time and second-order central space (FTCS) scheme to discretize the PDE. Write a computer program (MATLAB, C, Java, ...)

1. The stability condition for FTCS is given by: d = vΔt/Δy2 ≤ 0.5. Verify this condition numerically by examining the velocity profile for different Δt and Δy. Show that if you violate this condition, numerical method becomes unstable.

2. Plot the velocity profile at three different times till the flow readies steady state.

3. At steady state, obtain the analytical solution by solving ∂2u/∂y2 = 0. Validate your numerical results with the analytical solution.

Assignment 6. Laminar Flow past a circular cylinder

Consider the steady state, two-dimensional laminar flow over a cylinder with diameter D = 1m. The free stream velocity is U = 1 m./s. The density and viscosity of the fluid are ρ = 1 kg/m3 and μ= 0.025 kg/m.s. Therefore, the Reynolds number for this flow is Re = ρUD/μ = 40. Use FLUENT to obtain velocity and preure distribution on the cylinder.

1. Plot the streamwise velocity on the cylinder and obtain the streamwi.se velocity at the edge of the boundary layer on top of the cylinder (θ = 90° where the angle θ is measured from the front stagnation point). How does your result compare with the theoretical value u = 2U?

2. Obtain the pressure distribution on the cylinder and normalize it as Cp = (ps - p)/(1/2.ρU∞) where ps, and p denote the surface and farfield pressure. respectively. Compare your result with the theoretical distribution Cp = 1 - 4sin2θ. How do you explain the discrepancy between the results?

3. Obtain the drag coefficient CD = FD/(1/2.ρU2D) where FD is the drag force in the stremwise direction. How does you result compare with that from the literature [1]. CD = 1.498 (for Re = 40)?

4. Obtain the separation angle and compare it with that from the literature [1] θ ≈123° (for Re = 40).

5. Show verification of your numerical solution using at least three (fine, medium and coarse) mesh arrangements.

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Mechanical Engineering: What is the truncation error for ftcs is this scheme
Reference No:- TGS02318012

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