
What is the total resistance of the air between the spheres

Been working on this project for some time now, and really just don't understand the Van de Graff generator ignition or the Ohms equation. Was wondering if someone could please look over this and try to explain to me how this works and what they are asking me to do. Thank you.

The minimum ignition energy for most hydrocarbon mixtures is 0.25 mJ, the static spark produced by the human body is can be 10- 15J [ref]. If we assume energy of an electrical flow can be calculated by multiplying the power times the duration, i.e. combining Ohms law and equations for electrical power: If we assume that for the Van de Graff generator, the voltage is 200,000, the duration of the spark is 300 nanoseconds (0.3x10-6sec), and the resistance of air is 1.3x1016 ohms/m, the energy in the spark created by the Van de Graff generator can be estimated.

What is the total resistance of the air between the spheres? _____________________(ohms)

What is the energy of the spark created by the Van de Graff generator? ________________(J)

The minimum ignition energy for most hydrocarbon mixtures is 0.25 mJ, should the spark created by the Van de graff have enough energy to ignite a propane air mixture? Y/N

Does the spark ignite a propane air mixture coming out of a Bunsen burner? ________________ (yes/no)

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Physics: What is the total resistance of the air between the spheres
Reference No:- TGS02508155

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