
What is the total number of allocated

Show the content of the individual bytes allocated in memory in hexadecimal for the following declarations. Assuming that the address of I is 010E5000h, what are the addresses of J, K, and L? What is the total number of allocated bytes?
I SBYTE 1, -1
J SWORD 10FFh, -256
K DWORD 23456h
L BYTE 'CS252'
01h ?? ?? ?? ...


Q2. Given the following definitions:
barray BYTE 10h, 20h, 30h, 6 DUP (0Ah)
warray WORD 5 DUP(1000h)
pressKey EQU <"Press any key to continue ...",0>
darray DWORD 5 DUP(56789ABh),
7 DUP(12345678h)
prompt BYTE pressKey
What will be the value of EAX, AX, and AL after executing each of the following instructions? Assume that the address of barray is 010E5000h.
mov eax, TYPE warray
mov eax, LENGTHOF barray
mov eax, SIZEOF darray
mov eax, OFFSET barray
mov eax, OFFSET warray
mov eax, OFFSET darray
mov eax, OFFSET prompt
mov eax, DWORD PTR barray
mov al, BYTE PTR darray
mov ax, wval
mov eax, dval

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Accounting Basics: What is the total number of allocated
Reference No:- TGS0915168

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