
What is the total employment in construction which state

Assignment 1

Source document: Monitoring The Implications of the Global Financial Crisis on Primary

Schools, Teachers and Parents in 12 Countries

1. What is the problem statement in this paper?

2. What are the purposes of the study?

3. Describe the sample used for this study.  What is the total sample size?

4. What are some of the findings? (Give three examples)

5. What are the limitations of the study the researcher acknowledged? (Give two examples)

6. What is a limitation of the study the researcher did not acknowledge?

Assignment 2

Part 1:

  1. What is the annual payroll in Delaware in Agriculture?
  2. What is the total employment in Construction?
  3. Which state has the highest total employment?
  4. What is the range for number of firms in Health Care and Social Assistance?

a. Min:   ..............................                Max: ........................

  1. What industry has the widest range in number of firms?

Part 2:

1. Complete the following table


Average Employment

Median Employment
















2. In which industry do you see the largest difference between Mean and Median employment? Why do you think there is such as difference between Mean and Median employment for this industry?

Assignment 3

  1. Write up a purpose for a study involving this construct
  2. Write up research questions for this study
  3. Create a survey to measure this construct
    1. Include at least 5 background or contextual questions
    2. Create a construct map
    3. Include at least 6 questions measuring dimensions and elements of the construct

Assignment 4

Use data gathered from the following survey:

Question 1: What type of smart-phone do you own?

(1)     IPhone    2) Samsung Galaxy  

Question 2: Which is your cell phone provider?

1) Verizon           2) AT&T                           3) T-Mobile                          4) Sprint                

1.Strongly Disagree   2: Disagree   3: Agree   4:Strongly Agree

Question 3: I am satisfied with the overall quality of my smart-phone

Question 4: I would choose another smart-phone if I had the chance

Question 5: My smart-phone is the best of its class in the market

Question 6: I would recommend my smart-phone to my friends

Question 1.

a. Complete the frequency distribution below



Samsung Galaxy













b. Complete the mean and median for each question below




Question 3: I am satisfied with the overall quality of my smart-phone



Question 4: I would choose another smart-phone if I had the chance



Question 5: My smart-phone is the best of its class in the market



Question 6: I would recommend my smart-phone to my friends



Question 2.

a. Compute a total Customer Service score. (note: review "Attitude Toward School" example in October 21 lecture)

b. Compute the mean Customer Service score by brand by provider







c. List two observations/conclusions/inferences based on table above

Question 3.

A researcher interested in identifying factors that lead to absenteeism at a high school administers a survey questionnaire to the students on school campus.

a. What kind of bias is a potential risk in this research?

b. What other data collection method would you use in conducting this study to minimize this bias?

Attachment:- Data-CS-smart-phones.rar

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Financial Management: What is the total employment in construction which state
Reference No:- TGS02505645

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