
What is the tone of the essay how does the tone align with

Assignment: Critical Thinking Essay

From your reading of the text, "Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? By Beverly Tatum.

Your essay should answer this question:

1. Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?

a. Refer to the text and outside academic resources to make a cohesive/strong argument.

Your essay must be 3+ pages. The essay "must" be Times New Roman and double-spaced.

Your essay must be MLA style. Turnitin can only come back the maximum 20% cited sources. If Turnitin comes back more than 20%, you will receive a "0" on your final paper.


1. What is your purpose in the essay? Does the essay fulfill the assignment?

2. What is the tone of the essay? How does the tone align with the overall purpose, the intended audience, and the context of the writing?

3. Is your topic sufficiently focused? What is the thesis statement?

4. What assertions do you make to support the thesis statement? How do you support these assertions? What specific evidence do you provide?

5. Are paragraphs arranged in an effective sequence? What order do you use? Is each paragraph thoroughly developed?

6. Is the introduction effective? How do you engage the reader's attention?

7. Is the conclusion appropriate for the essay's purpose? Does it draw the essay together, or does it seem disconnected and abrupt?

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History: What is the tone of the essay how does the tone align with
Reference No:- TGS02669820

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