
What is the timeframe for the surveillance activity


You will submit your electronic surveillance report. After creating your intelligence report, you will propose the appropriate electronic surveillance methods for collecting the necessary intelligence. What electronic surveillance method(s) would be most appropriate? Where would the surveillance occur? What is the timeframe for the surveillance activity? Would the surveillance you propose be done overtly (openly; for example, by reading newspapers or viewing activity through traffic security cameras), covertly (in secret; for example, through listening devices or satellite images), or through a combination of methods? What resources (financial, equipment, facilities, and manpower) would be needed for the surveillance activities you propose?

1. Propose appropriate electronic surveillance methods for collecting intelligence.

2. Where would the surveillance most likely occur?

3. What is the timeframe for the surveillance activity?

4. Would the surveillance you propose above be done overtly (openly; for example, by reading newspapers or viewing activity through traffic security cameras), covertly (in secret; for example, through listening devices or satellite images), or through a combination of methods?

5. What resources (financial, equipment, facilities, and manpower) would be needed for the surveillance activities you propose?

6. Be sure to justify why this allocation of resources would be appropriate given intelligence objectives and the nature and imminence of the threat.

When creating the surveillance plan, there are factors to consider before selecting the appropriate surveillance method to employ:


Time (officer hours)

Resources required

o Number of officers

o Support equipment

If the surveillance method is successful, what will be the impact of the information gained? (You do not want to spend more getting the information than the information is worth.)


When creating a surveillance plan, you need to be as detailed as possible. Eventually this surveillance plan will be approved by legal counsel and your supervisor. In order to protect you from legal prosecution, every surveillance employment needs to be explained in great detail, addressing all facts and considerations.

Use the following resource to support this milestone: Sample of a Surveillance Plan

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

II. Electronic Surveillance: Propose appropriate electronic surveillance methods for collecting the necessary intelligence. Remember, even if electronic surveillance methods are not the ones you would recommend as a first choice, you should still address the following elements, in case your preferred option turns out not to be feasible for budgetary or political reasons. Specifically, you should address:

a. What electronic surveillance method(s) would be most appropriate? Where would the surveillance occur? What is the timeframe for the surveillance activity? Support your choice of methods, including location and timeframe, using information from the referring agency's intelligence report.

b. Would the surveillance you propose above be done overtly (openly; for example, by reading newspapers or reviewing images from traffic security cameras), covertly (in secret; for example, through listening devices or satellite image), or using a combination of methods? Support your choice using information from the referring agency's intelligence report.

c. What resources (financial, equipment, facilities, and manpower) would be needed for the surveillance activities you propose? (Estimates are fine for the purposes of this project.) Be sure to justify why this allocation of resources would be appropriate given intelligence objectives and the nature and imminence of the threat.

Attachment:- Surveillance Plan.rar

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Business Law and Ethics: What is the timeframe for the surveillance activity
Reference No:- TGS02981065

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