The problem says that we have a 3-axis stabilized satellite with a power budget of 1500 watts for the communications payload, 500 watts for the spacecraft bus. The on-board Travelling Wave Tube Amplifiers (TWTA) are 30% efficient. The North and south radiators have an absorptivity of 0.3 and emissivity of 0.8 (end of life). Radiator efficiency is 0.9. We are then told that the spacecraft has to be maintaind at temperature between +20 degrees and -10 degrees.
a) What is the total internal heat that is dissipated?
b) Given a 10% margin, what power is radiated by the north and south radiators (each)
c) The summer solstice is hottest for the north radiator, and the winter solstice is hottest for the south radiator. What is the area of both radiators?
d) What is the temperature of the north/south radiator at the equinox?
e) Do you exceed the minimimum temperature?