
What is the target customer segment for each product

Assignment Problem: Determine how the Chase Sapphire brand and its portfolio of sub-brands/credit cards should be managed and developed on a going forward basis to improve/maximize the CLTV of each customer segment AND to enhance the brand image & strengthen the brand equity of the entire Chase Sapphire product line.

Alternative credit card offerings under the Chase Sapphire master brand will have to be identified and assessed.

You will need to identify a minimum of 5 existing and potential credit card offerings and properly explain those offerings BEFORE any evaluation and assessment occurs.

All existing Chase Sapphire branded credit cards must be assessed (Close-ended Criteria Table).

Which features and benefits should each card carry to best differentiate itself from Chase's other products and from increasingly competitive products in the marketplace?

What is the target customer segment for each product?  What's the primary benefit of each product?   What's the supporting reason to believe?

How well differentiated are these products from each other especially Reserve from Preferred?  What can Chase do to better differentiate the products, if anything?

Is anything missing in the product portfolio?  Are there any gaps that need to be filled?  Does the line need additional products?

If so, what is the value proposition to the customer, how would you position the product and how would you brand it?

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Marketing Management: What is the target customer segment for each product
Reference No:- TGS03216231

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