
What is the syntonic resolution or the dystonic resolution

Problem: Choose a scholarly article that was not assigned to you for this module that addresses one of the two developmental stages discussed. Embed a link to the article for your classmates and send the article link to your professor. Describe the stage of development and expectations for the stage, i.e. the developmental tasks (biological, psychological, emotional, physical, and spiritual) addressed in this article. What is the psychosocial crisis addressed in the article? What are the central themes during this stage of development? What are the basic strengths or virtues, or possible positive outcomes, that may arise as a result of the constructive resolution of this developmental stage? What issues are presented in this article that further inform your understanding and knowledge about this stage of development? Present a question to your classmates that this article raises that will engender dialogue. What are some of the major challenges individuals may face at this stage? What environmental risks do we need to be more cognizant of at this stage? How about family risks? What is the syntonic resolution or the dystonic resolution?

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Reference No:- TGS03423916

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