
What is the strategy behind each cm example and what

You need to slide ppt and speaker notes about Complements other IMC- How does CM(content marketing) example complement other IMC(integrated marketing communications) tactics of the brand (with examples to support) so basically how do the "Neighbourhood Guides" that AirBnB have created complement other communication tactics

In your presentation, you are to critique 2 examples of the global brand's content marketing using the "periodic table of content marketing"

You are to address the following:
- Classify what "element" each content marketing (CM) example relates to for the 6 categories (excluding "Strategy" and "Checklist") of the periodic table, with justification of why
- What is the strategy behind each CM example, and what objectives are they trying to achieve
- How does each CM example complement other IMC tactics of the brand (with examples to support)
- The challenges each CM example faces in communicating across global markets

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Dissertation: What is the strategy behind each cm example and what
Reference No:- TGS02277396

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