
What is the statistical definition of abnormality

Problem 1. Talk shows often have pedophilia as a topic because it evokes powerful emotions. Because of the strong emotions involved, are the shows able to accurately portray pedophilia?

Problem 2. What is the statistical definition of abnormality? How do sociological, psychological, and medical approaches toward abnormality differ from the statistical approach? Which do you think is the proper approach? How would each approach evaluate a person who watches soft-core pornography on a daily basis? What is the normal?abnormal continuum?

Problem 3. Discuss how pathology often reflects societal norms, using examples of masturbation and "excessive" sexual intercourse. Who gets to determine what is normal? Do you feel that some behaviors are inherently pathological or whether pathology fundamentally reflects societal norms? Explore paraphilia within the context of society, culture, and history. How do societal norms position homosexuality? Think about the 1972 APA decision to remove homosexuality from the list of mental disorders.

Problem 4. What qualifies something as a sexual addiction? Can you think of a behavior that you would consider a paraphilia that does not qualify as a sexual addiction? On which qualification does it escape the label of addiction? Do you think sexual addiction is an adequate explanation for paraphilic behavior?

Problem 5. Do you feel that people who have pedophilic urges should be required to seek treatment, even if they have had no sexual contact with children? Should a pedophile be treated differently if the child was not forced and reports no feelings of victimization? What do you think the age of consent should be?

Problem 6. What are the defining characteristics of bestiality vs. zoophilia?  Provide an example of each.

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Reference No:- TGS03369910

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