
What is the states child protection legislation what is


Task 1 -

Case study

George (3.8) is found behind the shed defecating in another child's bag.  The staff member who discovers George (3.8) asks - What on earth are you doing?   George responds with tears.  The staff member kneels down to George's eye level and repeats the question.  George continues to sob.  The staff member suggests that she take George indoors to be cleaned up.  As they pass she asks another staff member discreetly to attend to the bag.  When they enter the bathroom George becomes increasingly distressed.  Saying No I don't want to go in there! No I don't want to!!  Staff member comforts George and says Okay I will bring a wash cloth out and tidy you up. George says, Don't touch my bottom it is sore.  At this point, staff member calls for the Director.  

1. What do you think caused George's behaviour?

2. Identify type/s of abuse

3. Explain reasons for suspected abuse

4. Read and describe reporting policy and procedures that you will need to use

5. Whose job role is it to report abuse?

6. Identify the legal and ethical issues involved

7. Confidentiality and disclosure

8. How is your response child-focused?

9. Write a short report on what you saw and the process that you undertook.

10. Consider child development how do you feel this situation may impact on the child in the future

11. How will you respond to the child's disclosure - list communication strategies including verbal and non-verbal responses?

Assessment 1 -

1. On prac, find out the service's procedures for child protection. Write these down or attach to workbook. 

2. Children at risk of harm demonstrate signs that alert carers to this risk.  List types of abuse and 3 signs that identify a child at risk:

3. Discuss how abuse is dynamic in that it affects people not matter their age, culture, sexuality, gender or disability.

4. How does domestic violence affect children who are living in this environment?

5. What are the possible impacts on children or young people who have been abused?

6. Explain trauma-informed care and practice?

Assessment 2 - Legal understanding and requirement 

1. What is the state's child protection legislation?

2. What is meant by the term mandatory reporting?

3. According to state legislation, who is mandated to report?

4. What is the reporting process in your state?  

5. What is the response by the authorities after reporting?

6. List 2 options that the agency / department handling the situation may consider.

7. What is your duty of care in regard to suspected abuse?

8. What is your legal responsibility with regard to reporting suspected harm?

Assessment 3 - Ethics 

1. List three aspects of professional decision-making

2. Give an example of when you applied one of these 

3. What is your response if you feel that one of the staff is behaving in an unethical manner?  Who would you discuss this situation with?

4. How does this example meet ECA Code of Ethics?

5. How does this example meet National Quality Standards?

6. What are the protection rights of UN Rights of the Child?

7. How do you feel that these have influenced legislation?

8. In your role, what are your ethical obligations? 

Assessment 4 - Communication 

If you are working with a school aged children. Think about the work practices that you would be required to undertake. How would you ensure that children have choices to make their own decisions?

Scenario 1 -

You are monitoring the children during toileting.  You notice that one of the young girls Emily Grant (5.6) has three bruises across her buttocks and back of thighs.  You are surprised but remain calm.  You quietly ask her if she hurt herself.  She looks at the floor and cries.  

1. What should you do?

2. What type of questions should you use?

3. Discuss why you feel that this communication technique is good practice

4. What would your ethical concerns be in regard to this scenario?

5. What is the service's process? If unsure use the policy and procedures you have collected in Assessment 1.

6. Complete the attached form. You will not be able to complete all the details but you are required to complete the relevant areas.

7. Discuss how this process meets legislation requirements.

8. How could you work with other agencies to give full details of what occurred and what you saw?

9. Which agency would you be working with?

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Dissertation: What is the states child protection legislation what is
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