
What is the state the area and nature of the concern


Case Study: Crystal Witt

Client Crystal Witt is a security guard working part time. She go to school part time. She has no social life her friends are always busy when she is not. She has 2 boys and 2 step daughters and 1 grandson. It seems as if her step daughters are her childrenas well. Her kids are ages 25 and 28. They both still stay with her and they expect her to cook all the time. They both give her money on the rent but not as much as Crystal expects. Crystal is unhappy with her personal apperance she has gain almost 30 pounds and has acne on her face. It seems as if she have no personal life because her two older children are still living with her and think she suppose to do everything and have no life.

1.What would be yours thoughts on this client and what would you do to help her? How would you describe crytsal as a person?

2.What are some area of concerns?

3.What is the state the area and nature of the concern?

4.What do you think her thoughts, feelings, actions, and environment/other people is?

5.Discuss the need for data beyond that immediately known to the client.

6.Describe your process for gathering this information.

7.Provide a possible theoretical perspective or functional model on this concern and its related factors.

8.Describe your current goals.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Subject: What is the state the area and nature of the concern
Reference No:- TGS01883073

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