
What is the state of the city finances


Choose a city anywhere in the world, at any point in history, and answer the following questions using the economic concepts developed in the course. Use models, graphs, examples, where appropriate. Explain economic concepts that you learned during the course so that they can be understood by an audience that has not taken the course. Some credit will depend on the choice of an interesting (unique) city, so that you demonstrate some original thought in the application of urban economics to the city of your choice. Be sure to include one to several paragraphs on each of the following topics. You should write 8-10 pages and double space!

1. Give a general introduction to the city including its name, location, geography, raw materials, principle products and industries, vital statistics, and other notable characteristics.

2. What economic forces hold the city together? What are the sources of agglomeration economies in the city? What products does it have a comparative advantage in producing.

3. What is the growth rate and what industries are driving growth or contraction of the city.

4. Describe the public goods offered by the city, including major parks, transportation facilities,
industrial parks, schools and universities, etc.

5. Describe how economic forces have shaped the urban landscape in terms of rent gradients,
land use patterns, and building height and density.

6. What is the state of the housing stock? Where is new housing being developed? Describe the
racial and economic socio-economic composition of the neighborhoods.

7. What is the crime rate in the city? What areas experience the most crime.

8. What transportation issues does the city face?

9. What is the state of the city finances.

10. What are the city's greatest successes and challenges.

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Microeconomics: What is the state of the city finances
Reference No:- TGS01828280

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