
What is the sponsoring organization profiled in the youtube

At this very moment, around the globe, populations are affected by communicable, non-communicable, environmental, natural disaster, and humanitarian health threats.

In keeping the school mission of effecting positive social change, this week, you will educate your classmates on a current public or global health concern by tapping into, and sharing, social media resources that address efforts to improve the health of populations around the world.

To prepare for this Discussion, go to YouTube. In the search bar, enter one of the following organizations plus a health topic (identified in your Learning Resources this week).

CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention)

WHO (World Health Organization)

IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross)

UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund)

UNAIDS (United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS)

VOA (Voice of America)

MSF (Doctors Without Borders)

TED talks (TED is a non-profit organization that brings technology, entertainment and design together to spread ideas)

Review the different videos available, and select one that illustrates one of the global health challenges addressed in your Learning Resources this week.

Post a comprehensive response to the following:

Select one online video from one of the organizations identified.

Paste the url link to your selected video, in the space provided, so your classmates can also view the YouTube video you selected.

Prepare a short description of the health issue covered in the YouTube video. Be sure to include the location and population affected.

Identify as much as you can about the impact of the health issue.

What is the sponsoring organization profiled in the YouTube media, and what are they doing to assist with the public/global health issue?

How is it related to our class resources this week? Share your personal reaction to the media and public health topic you are reporting on.

While it is acceptable to use the same public health issue or topic, please make an effort to not report on the same exact media example as a classmate.

Be sure to include the link to the YouTube video clip, in the space provided, so others in the class can view it when they reply to your discussion post.

Note: Initial postings must be 250-350 words (not including references).

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Operation Management: What is the sponsoring organization profiled in the youtube
Reference No:- TGS02707836

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