What is the speed of z at r is that at i the ke of y at u

Asteroids X, Y, and Z have equal mass of 3.0 kg each. They orbit around a planet with M=3.20E+24 kg. The orbits are in the plane of the paper and are drawn to scale.

In the statements below, TE is the total mechanical energy, KE is the kinetic energy, and PE is the potential energy.

1855_Asteroids X Y and Z orbit around a planet.png

The speed of Z at r is .... that at i.
The KE of Y at u is .... that at c.
The TE of Y is .... the TE of X.
The PE of Z at u is .... the PE of Y at u.
The TE of Z is .... the TE of X.
The PE of X at c is .... the PE of Z at r.
The PE of Z at m is .... that at u.
The PE of X at c is .... the PE of Y at u.

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Physics: What is the speed of z at r is that at i the ke of y at u
Reference No:- TGS01302162

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