
What is the social problem the researchers are

Choose From These Articles:

Martin, Karin A. (1998). Becoming a gendered body: Practices of preschools.American Sociological Review, 63(4), p. 494-511.

McKinlay, John B., Lin, Ting, Freund, Karen, &Moskowitz, Mark. (2002). The Unexpected influence of physician attributes on clinical decisions: Results of an experiment. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 43(1), p. 92-106.

Whitbeck, Les B., Hoyt, Dan R., McMorris, Barbara J., Chen, Xiaojin, &Stubben, Jerry D. (2001). Perceived discrimination and early substance abuse among American Indian children. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 42(4), p. 405-424.

Jermigan, David H., Ostroff, Joshua, Ross, Craig. (2005). Alcohol Advertising and Youth: A Measured Approach. Journal of Public Health Policy, 26(3), p. 312-325

Once you select an article you will write a short, two- to five-page essay using APA format. Please review the grading rubric before embarking on your paper. Your paper should fulfill all requirements of the grading rubric and answer the following questions:

    What is the social problem the researchers are investigating?
    What is the research method (survey, participant observation, experiment, secondary sources, or interviews) used by the researchers?
    What were the results or findings of the research?
    What do you think would be a good solution to the social problem?

Use APA format for the essay style, in-text citations, and in the listing of your sources on the reference page.

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Other Subject: What is the social problem the researchers are
Reference No:- TGS0775930

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This assignment consists of an article based discussion.It is based on the topic "Effect of alcohol advertising on Youth and adults". In this assignment it is clearly discussed on 1)How the alcohol ads on television,internet and magazines have effects on youths mind 2)What are the methods used to do this research 3)Results of the research done 4)Problem to the solution that how to reduce protect our youths from this addiction.

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