
What is the social problem the researchers are

Application Project

For this initial assignment, you will experience the first of 4 social research methods that you will practice this term called ‘using existing data sources'. This assignment will provide a foundation for learning this research method that you will continue to apply for the rest of the term. You will use textbook material, online lecture, the South Online Library and materials found on the Internet to find these data sources.
Begin by using the South Online Library to search for reference materials. The best way to find scholarly articles is to:

Go to the South University Online Library (found on the left column);
Log on to the library;
Put in the EXACT TITLE of the article you are wishing to find. Once you find it, you can also search key words to find others like it. See instructions under A below for titles to focus on for this assignment.

For additional references, choose full-text articles when doing your search. Just like any keyword searches (e.g. Google-but try not to use) the more general the term, the larger the return. You may have to start general and move to more specific words. (See additional instructions and ideas for keywords under B & D below )

Choose ONE ONLY of the following four scholarly articles using the QUICK SEARCH opening screen of the Online Library. Again, search for it using the EXACT TITLE:

•Lawson, Louanne (2008). Female Sexual Offenders Relationship Experiences. Violence & Victims 23(3), p.331-343.

•Almendros, Carrobles and Rodriguez-Carballeria (2007). Former Members' Perceptions of Cult Involvement. Cultic Studies Review 6(1), p.1-20.

•Brazley, Michael & Davey, Jon (2006). Moving Toward Gender and Racial Inclusion in the Design Profession. International Journal of the

•Diversity in Organisations, Communities, and Nations 6(3), p.9-18.

•Aubrey, Jennifer (2006). Exposure to sexually objectifying media and body self-perceptions among college women: an examination of the selective exposure hypothesis and the role of moderating variables. Sex Roles, 55(3), 159-172.

The following are some suggested related key word searches for your chosen topic once you identify the initial journal article from the library:

Topic: Female Sex Offenders

•child sexual abuse
•female sex offenders
•forensic nursing
•sex offenses

Topic: Cult Involvement:

•psychological abuse
•manipulative behavior
•cult members

Topic: Gender and Racial Inclusion in the Design Profession:

•sex discrimination in education
•middle school students
•longitudinal method
•interior decoration
•study & teaching

Topic: Sexually Objectifying Media and Body Self-Perceptions

•Media effects
•Objectification theory
•Sexual objectification

Perform additional searches in the library for other scholarly articles representing the same interest as your original article. Please note, this assignment is not just an article summary. The facilitator will be looking for

(a) additional research (evidenced by more than one article) done by you;

(b) personal reflections that are sociologically relevant; and

(c) insight that shows that you understand the concepts covered during the week.

Write a short (2 - 5 page) essay using the APA format (information found in Doc Sharing) with the following components: main thesis (general overview of the research you will be presenting), answer the following questions, a personal perspective on your research findings, overall summary and conclusion of your research findings. Make sure your paper answers these questions:

1. What is the social problem the researchers are investigating?

2. What is the research method (i.e. survey, participant observation, ethnomethodology, meta analysis, etc.) used by the researchers?

3. What were the results or findings of the research?

4. What do you think would be a good solution to the social problem investigated in your articles?

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