
What is the so-called machine age how was it associated

Essay (1) Question

What is the so-called "Machine Age"? How was it associated with alienation? Describe some works by Demuth and Stella that illustrate the qualities of the machine age. Comment on how this alienation permeates the other arts as it does early twentieth century culture in general.

Essay (2) Question

2. Frank Lloyd Wright was one of the most influential architects of the 20th century. Using the images and plans of the Bauhaus and German Pavilion, discuss the importance of Wright for Gropius and Mies. What do their buildings share with the Robie House? How do they depart from Wright's example? Consider the way space is defined, the overall appearance of the buildings, the types of materials used, the relationship between the interior and the exterior, and the way the visitor encounters each of the structures.

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Business Management: What is the so-called machine age how was it associated
Reference No:- TGS01264386

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