A. Where is the birthplace of democracy and why is it attributed to the tribal groups of New York? What is the political role of women in Haudenosaunee society?
B. What is a wampum belt and how is it used among the Haudenosaunee? How are the raw materials obtained for making these belts?
C. What is the significance of the temple at Chavín de Huantar? What is the connection between sound/music and the temple?
D. In Haudenosaunee history, who are Hiawatha, the Peacemaker, Tadodaho, and Jigonsaseh? Which five tribal groups were united and how was this done?
E. What area of North America would you find totem poles and what purpose do they serve?
F. What is a potlatch? Describe what it looks like and how people use this ceremony.
G. Which foods were created by various of native groups and which of these crops is the most central to large scale political development in Native America?
H. The city of Palenque ruled over by King Pacal demonstrates the pinnacle hierarchical nations in central America. Describe the symbolic connection between King Pacal and corn.
I. What are the Three Sisters, and how do they work together in a garden and in a diet?
J. What is a Long House and how is it symbolic rather than just a dwelling?