
What is the significance of having set targets develop an

Health Planning and Policy Management

A program objective can provide the groundwork for program planning.

What is the significance of having set targets? Develop an outline for the steps involved in setting targets for program objectives

Initial responses should be no less than 250 words in length not including your reference(s) and supported by at least two references (aside from the textbook) APA Format

Equal Employment Opportunity

This week we learned about the federal equal employment opportunity legislation and explored federal and international laws related to discrimination. For this discussion, you must:

1. Select three legislations that relates to a similar or related type of discrimination:

o Civil Rights Act of 1964

o One federal legislation

o One state or international legislation

2. Present a brief summary of each legislation to give an idea of what they cover. They may include:

o The name of the legislation with the year

o The purpose of the act

o Who is covered by that law

3. Present at least two similarities and two differences between them.

4. Explain how the organization can work with those laws and how they can protect against those laws.

Initial responses should be no less than 300 words in length not including your reference(s) and supported by at least two references (aside from the textbook) APA Format


After reading this weeks Lesson in our Lesson section and assignment material........

Anorexia nervosa is a psychological disease characterized by an intense fear of becoming obese, a disturbed and distorted body image, significant weight loss unrelated to other illness, refusal to maintain normal body weight, and amenorrhea. Bulimia is an episodic pattern of uncontrollable food bingeing followed by purging.

It is characterized by awareness that the pattern is abnormal, fear of being unable to stop eating voluntarily, depressed mood, and self-deprecation.

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia are the two most common eating disorders. It is difficult to get an accurate assessment of eating disorders due to under-reporting.

Athletes, in particular, are very secretive because they run the risk of being dropped from the team if the problem is discovered. They will only share the problem when the problem is almost catastrophic and professional help is needed. As a coach, I have known that at least six of my athletes suffered from this self-destructive behavior.

Research demonstrates that goals are a powerful means for effecting behavior changes. Goals that directly influence behavior focus a performer's attention on important elements, increase motivation and persistence, and facilitate the development of new learning strategies.

Goals that indirectly influence behavior can alter important psychological factors, such as self-confidence, anxiety, and satisfaction.

Structure a COMPREHENSIVE goal-setting program to help an athlete overcome either disorder.Initial responses should be no less than 300 words in length not including your reference(s) and supported by at least two references (aside from the textbook) APA Format


As the world's need for energy continues to grow, the US government must formulate a comprehensive strategy to secure energy resources.

(1) Identify at least three major concerns regarding US energy policy. What are our vulnerabilities and challenges?

(2) Discuss the merits and risks associated with one energy policy reform. You may select from the following options (or discuss your own): encouraging energy conservation and efficiency, increasing supply through more domestic production, increasing supply through alternative or renewable resources.

There are many parties involved in this debate - politicians, government bureaucrats, environmental interest groups, public safety officials, energy corporations, American citizens, foreign governments. Please consider their interests as you compose your response to this week's forum.

Remember to incorporate key terms/concepts from your required readings along with replying to your classmates. You are also expected to reference the assigned readings while properly citing all sources. Initial posts should be at least 300 words in length (but less than 500 words)

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Dissertation: What is the significance of having set targets develop an
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