Response to the following question:
1. In regards to theological discourse, the church and society, what is the significance of color symbolism, the problem of the color line as manifested in a valuation of whiteness and devaluation of blackness?
2. What are the two fundamental factors contributing to the birth of the independent African American church in American. Where did it originate? Why? Clarify the theological dynamics of the color line and its impact.
3. What is the analysis of E. Franklin Frazier's discussion of "The Negro Church and Assimilation" in light of W. E. B. DuBois's discussion, of "Of The Faith of the Fathers".
4. What does Howard Thurman's discussion of "The Negro Spiritual Speaks of Life and Death", say about the lasting value and quality of the African American religious experience? What is the reason there is an absence of "the Negro Spirituals" as an integral part of worship in present day African American congregations.
5. Based on Albert Roboteau's discussion of Black Destiny in the Nineteenth Century, what theologically does the phrase, "Ethiopia Shall Soon Stretch Forth Her Hands", relative to the African American church, on the one hand, taking the lead in the quest for assimilation and social integration and, on the other hand, taking the lead in the quest for social separation, Pan-Africanism, and the back to African movement.
6. What does it mean that the African American church, along with being the vanguard of social, economic and political activism in the African American community, has since its inception remains on the cutting edge of social change in society.