
What is the significance of bouchards nodes

Problem: What is the significance of Bouchard's nodes? Of soreness in mornings for <30 minutes? >30 minutes? Linda C (34 yo) is a resident at Project Room Key and a patient in the hotel-based clinic that serves unsheltered residents in Vallejo. Case Linda has a sz disorder, stable on Keppra with no seizures. She also has what she describes as chronic pain in her hands and L knee. She doesn't remember being diagnosed with RA or OA and has taken acetaminophen for the pain. She does have stiffness in mornings for about 30-minutes as well as + Bouchard's nodes. She ambulates without assistance. She has been told she is hypertensive in the past but never treated. The last two times we saw her, her BP was 140s/90s. Concurrently, she also has had worsening menorrhagia for the last 4-6 months. It is cyclic without spotting between cycles, but she saturates pads every 1-2 hours while menstruating and cycles last 4 days. She has not had any imaging. She has been told she was anemic in the past and a thyroid d/o but doesn't have specifics. She did say she had a normal Pap smear (HPV unknown) two years ago in San Jose.

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Reference No:- TGS03422812

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