
What is the set lighting for the dance how about the dance


Using the Video Critique Guideline below and the elements of choreography (time, space and energy) found in Chapter 2 of the text, write a 5 paragraph essay on the dance video "Singing in the Rain" featuring Gene Kelly as the performer. 1 paragraph detailing the following: type of dance (modern, ballet, etc.), type of music and type of choreography (narrative, thematic or abstract....and explain why you chose the type you did), next 1 paragraph on the physical characteristics, and finally 1 paragraph each on the three choreographic characteristics of (space, time and energy) as detailed in Chapter 2 of the text.

This assignment should be in paragraph form with sentence structure. Do not simply list your observations, write in complete sentences!

Video Critique Guideline:

This critique should not include your opinion of the video. There is no need for an introductory or concluding paragraph. You should divide the critique into sections, 1. A shorter paragraph on the types of music, types of dance and types of choreography (narrative, thematic, abstract) 2. a more comprehensive paragraph on the physical characteristics (costuming, footwear, stage space, sets (if any), props (if any), lighting and backdrop and 3. three paragraphs (1 each) for the aforementioned three choreographic characteristics of space, time and energy.

Physical Characteristics:

Include observations such as what type of costumes & props are visible. What is the set? Lighting for the dance? How about the dance flooring? What type of dance shoes or footwear is being worn?

Choreographic Characteristics:

Space: Include things like Levels used (is there high level with jumping? low level with kneeling? middle level with locomotor movements?) What type of locomotor movements? (running, hopping, skipping, leaping, etc.) Direction including forward, backward and diagonally on the perfromance space. Inward vs. outward focus. Depth/Width on the stage including symmetry (the balancing of the movements equally on the stage) vs. asymmetry (unequal or unbalanced staging). And phrases and transistions including high and low points and dynamic changes in the course of the dance (much like you have with sentences in constructing a paragragh!).

Time: Include things like Speed/Tempo relating to the how fast or slow the dancers are moving in relation to the music pulse/underlying beat. Stillness when the dancer is momentarily "frozen" in place in the dance.

Energy: Include movement qualities such as percussive, swinging, sustained, vibrating and suspending.

Important! Be sure to give examples of your observations (such as: "The dancer showed suspended energy when she was held overhead by her partner). Do not simply state: "In this dance there was suspended energy".

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