What is the servant thomas garnett accused of by

Assignment task: In your responses to the following questions, you are to pull 4-5 in-text citations (in total) from the readings by the various authors.


Q1) What is the servant Thomas Garnett accused of by his master Captain William Powell and what was the punishment set by the general assembly?

Q2) What is the punishment of a servant who secretly marries or fornicates with another servant? What happens if a man hires a runaway servant without certification from the servant's master and helps indentures to leave their masters?

Q3) By March 1660, what are masters expected to do for their servants? By 1705 in Virginia, how did slavery become directly tied to race?

Q4) What do these sources reveal about slavery and servitude in the early 17th up to 18th century? Was there a major difference between the labor forms?

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History: What is the servant thomas garnett accused of by
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