
What is the sample size

Discuss the below:

Q: Use the table below to answer the series of questions. Elaborate on your answers as to how you arrived at the solution.

a) What is the sample size?

b) Use the information and determine a Tukey simultaneous 95% confidence interval for italic mu subscript 1 - italic mu subscript 2. The mean and sample sizes for brand 1 and brand 2 are as follows: x with bar on top 1 = 2.95, x with bar on top 2 = 2.28, n1 = 4 and n2 = 5.

c) At a significance level of .05. What conclusions can we come to?

ANOVA table

Source SS df MS F p-value
Treatment 6.000 3 1.9998 18.85 3.46E-05
Error 1.486 14 0.1061
Total 7.485 17

Post hoc analysis
Tukey simultaneous comparison t-values (d.f. = 14)

Brand 3 Brand 2 Brand 4 Brand 1
1.40 2.28 2.58 2.95
Brand 3 1.40
Brand 2 2.28 4.27
Brand 4 2.58 5.38 1.35
Brand 1 2.95 7.09 3.07 1.63

Critical values for experiment-wise error rate:
0.05 2.91
0.01 3.76.

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Basic Statistics: What is the sample size
Reference No:- TGS01898166

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