
What is the sample are there any issues you see with the

Litt, D. M., & Stock, M. L. (2011). Adolescent alcohol-related risk cognitions: The roles of social norms and social networking sites. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors

1) What are the results of the study (in your own words)?(Hint: state the findings based on what was found when comparing the two groups)- 1 point

2) What is the IV? How was the IV operationalized (i.e., manipulated)? - 2 points

3) What are the DVs? (Note: There is more than 1 DV) - 1 point

4) Which method was used: Experimental, Quasi-experimental, or Correlational? - 1 point

5) What is the sample? Are there any issues you see with the sample that may decrease external validity? What are they and why (you should be able to discuss 2). - 3 points

6) Does the study include a between or within subjects design? Why/how do you know? - 2 points

7) Does this study include a single-blind or double-blind design? - 1 point

8) Identify two strengths and one weakness of the study (not using the same examples in Question 5). Explain why they are a strength or weakness to internal or external validity. - 3 points

9) How could the findings be applied to a real-world situation/scenario or intervention?Give a specific example. - 1 point

10) The authors might argue that their results support their theory (i.e., that descriptive norms have an impact on other risky cognitions). However, a single study cannot prove a theory to be true. What do you think the authors could do strengthen the support for their theory? What is one potential future direction for this line of research? For example, if you were to design a follow-up study, what is an important question that still needs to be answered? Is there anything you would change about the current design (other than the sample used) to address any limitations or additional questions you might have?

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Dissertation: What is the sample are there any issues you see with the
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