
What is the rosi calculation how is it used to evaluate

1. After reading Black, Scarfone, and Souppaya (2008), choose one of the cybersecurity measurement problems discussed by the authors.

Explain the problem in your own words and address how and why this problem could impact a cybersecurity focused evaluation of emerging technologies or emerging applications of technologies which are intended for use in a business environment.

Post your analysis as 250+ word response to this message. Include APA format citations and references as appropriate to the information used and the sources from which you obtained that information.

2. Read Introduction to Return on Security Investment: Helping CERTs assessing the cost of (lack of) security. 

What is the ROSI calculation? How is it used to evaluate cybersecurity technologies? What are the limitations of this metric?

Post your analysis as 250+ word response to this message. Include APA format citations and references as appropriate to the information used and the sources from which you obtained that information.

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Computer Engineering: What is the rosi calculation how is it used to evaluate
Reference No:- TGS02519268

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