What is the role of the new jersey office of law guardian

Project Assignment: Mandatory Child Abuse/Neglect Reporting

Consider the following scenarios and discuss your thoughts. Some of these issues may require you to consult outside resources including online research.

I will also upload all reading materials to further help you with this. Please go over all readings thoroughly so that it can help you answer the questions.

Recognizing and Reporting Child Maltreatment.

Watch the YouTube video: "Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse"

o If your daycare provider accidentally gives your child a double dose of Tylenol, does it amount to child abuse/neglect? Does it matter if your child was hurt or not?

o A mother was found to be living in the car with her baby for a few weeks because she is homeless. Should it be called in to child abuse hotline by you under the Mandatory Reporting Law? What should you do as a DCP&P case worker in this case?

o What is sexual abuse accommodation syndrome? What are its usual symptoms?

o What is the difference between secure, insecure and ambivalent attachments? Why is it important for a case worker to know the difference in child welfare cases?

o Your 16 year old teenage son, 50 pounds bigger than you, pushes you against the wall. In anger you slap him on his face and cause a black eye. Should you be charged with child abuse? What should you do as a DCP&P case worker?

o You went to your girlfriend's house to have a glass of wine and chat. Your girlfriend started getting drunk and smoking pot while her baby was sleeping in the crib. Do you have a duty to report? Give reasons why?

o At the Walmart parking lot, you noticed that a two-year-old child refused to sit in the car seat and the frustrated mom started slapping the child. Do you have a duty to report?

o Nancy's mother was concerned that Nancy was taking painkillers while caring for a newborn, but did not report. Did she have a duty to report? Nancy drops the baby and the baby is injured with permanent brain damage. Should DCP&P place the baby with the grandmother knowing she failed to report or protect the baby?

o Your neighbor babysits your child and passes out because of excessive drinking. Your child was left in the crib unharmed. Should that amount to child abuse/neglect?

o What is the role of the New Jersey Office of Law Guardian? How is it different from CASA?

o How is Child Abuse defined in the State of New Jersey? If your 5 year old child goes to her best friend's house to play and her 12 year old brother hits her with a baseball bat causing her a skull fracture. Is it child abuse pursuant to NJ Statutes? If the parents were binge watching "Game of Thrones" upstairs in their bedroom, what, if any, civil or criminal charges will they be facing?

o How is Child Neglect defined in the State of New Jersey? Mary has five children and she is a single parent who works 2 jobs . She is struggling to pay rent and her monthly utility bills. You find out that one of her children, 5 year-old Bill, had never been to a dentist and suffers from severe tooth decay and pain. Do you have a duty to report? What would you do as a DCP&P case worker in this case?

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

o The answer should be typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), double spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides.

o The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

o Also include a reference page. The Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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