
What is the role of store managers in employee satisfaction


Note: please modify the information and follow the instruction using my research topic, problem, and purpose and research question to write a 3 to 4 page paper on Quantitative Design and Data collection. Please Use your best discretion.

Quantitative Design and Data collection.

• For the assignment this week, please consider the topic, problem, and purpose you might choose for your Signature Assignment. You can use and revise problems, purposes, and questions from past assignments in this course with the goal of continuing to improve and refine them. Please addresses the following:

• Restatement of your problem, purpose, and research question(s).

• Last week you examined multiple ways to collect data to answer your research questions. Based on your analysis and feedback, choose one quantitative data collection method, describe how it would be used in your hypothetical study, and justify why this method of data collection is the best choice.

• Discussion and justification of your sample and population.

• Potential limitations with the chosen data collection and/or sample to consider and steps that can be taken ahead of time to help avoid these limitations.

• Analysis of any strengths and weaknesses you see with your design, data collection, and/or sample.

• Discuss ethical issues to consider with quantitative data collection methods

• For the assignment this week, please consider the topic, problem, and purpose you might choose for your Signature Assignment. You can use and revise problems, purposes, and questions from past assignments in this course with the goal of continuing to improve and refine them. Please addresses the following:

• Be sure to use scholarly sources to support all assertions and research decisions.

• Length: 3-5 pages, not including title and reference pages

My Short Introduction

This assignment is an enhancement of the topic, problem and purpose of my research study from my previous papers with the goal of improving and refining my research study in other to prepare for my signature assignment.

• Restatement of your problem, purpose, and research question(s).

As stated in my previous papers I stated that the problem to be addressed through this study is the threat of privacy as a result of monitoring or data collection by the government, private corporation or third party agencies and the threat of hackers should not affect how users communicate or share information via technology devices.

The potential topic that I want to conduct my study on using a descriptive research is the concern of the threat to privacy and how it affects the behavior of active technology users. Another way of describing my topic of research, is the relationship between the concern of the threat to privacy and how it affects the behavior of active technology users, who use their devices to communicate or share information. Using a quantitative methodology for this study, we would need to collect a numerical data from data analyzed and collected from questionnaires and surveys. The data here would be collected systematically using interviews.

The purpose of my research is to come up with a conclusion or finding on the topic of my research study. This study investiges how users are affected by the threat to privacy when communicating or sharing information via technology or mobile device. The research study wants to know if there is any change in the behavior of individuals as a result of the threat to privacy that comes data tracking and monitoring or activates by hackers.

As stated in my previous paper the research question would be using a quantitative descriptive research question. Using a descriptive research question would be effective when asking questions that would help provide descriptive information on participants behavior when using technology devices and if there is a relationship with the characteristics or attribute of how an individual use their technology device and how it affects how they react to the threat to privacy. An example of such descriptive quantitative research question is What are the reason that encourage users to communicate via technology or mobile device without fear or threat of privacy?. Also the use of relational quantitative research question could be adopted in the research question for this study to determine if there is a relationship between the variables involved such as age, education etc and the threat to privacy.

• Last week you examined multiple ways to collect data to answer your research questions. Based on your analysis and feedback, choose one quantitative data collection method, describe how it would be used in your hypothetical study, and justify why this method of data collection is the best choice.

Conducting an interview is one of the quantitative data collection method I will be using for this study, this will be done using survey questionnaires "administered through face to face interview or in some instances over the phone" (Polit& Beck, 2006). This data collection process using interview enables information to be gathered that will allow me to answer queries, research questions and hypotheses and determine the outcome, using this method of data collection is reliable and accurate.

Bellow is the feedback from my Instructor. Can you please follow the feedback and use it as a guide in making corrections to assignment 9. Would like to get it back by 2pm tomorrow.

Instructors feedback

This was an improvement in writing, but there are still many areas that must be addressed. The problem statement still does not meet the requirements of at least three studies. I pointed out in my previous feedback an encyclopedia is NOT a study and should not be used. You will also need to revise your purpose statement for better clarity. Your research questions must begin with how or what (for quantitative). Questions that can be answered with yes or no should not be used since they limit the amount of information participants may share with you. This is all clearly explained on the resource Developing Your Research Questions posted with the Welcome Letter. There were no citations included in the information you presented in your sections on using surveys, Type I and II Errors, statistical power. Are you using the resources I have recommended?

I have attached a PDF document titled, developing your research question to help you. Please try and fulfill every requirement from the feedback of my instructor. I am consulting your expertise for an A

Developing Your Research Questions

List the questions you want will answer so that the purpose of the study is achieved.

Ask yourself...

"What do I need to know and answer to achieve the purpose?"

Evaluate Your List:

"Are there other questions I should answer?"
"Are some of these I listed outside of my purpose?"
The Final Question: "If I answer all these questions will I have achieved the purpose?"

QUALITATIVE Research Questions are used if you have a QUALITATIVE Purpose(s) QUANTITATIVE Research Questions are used if you have a QUANTITATIVE Purpose(s)

Quantitative Research Questions

THREE RULES for Quantitative Research Questions

1. They Begin with "How", "What", or "Why" and can NEVER be answered by a simple Yes or No

2. Specify the independent and dependent variables

3. IF your questions deal with connections among multiple variables, you will again - use relate or compare - just as you did in the purpose statement

General Descriptive Examples [using rules 1 and 2]:

What factors positively impact employee turnover rates of hourly workers?
Why do Asian-American students outscore other student groups on AP Calculus Exams?
In each of the scripts below you may need to tell the research site if they differ or not explained in the purpose statement.

Relationship Script:

How does (Ind Var) relate to (Dep Var) for (participants)?

Relationship Example [using all 3 rules]:

How does quarterly sales volume relate to employee morale for Hispanic-American hourly workers?

Comparison Script:

How does (group 1) compare with/differ from (group 2) in terms of (Dep Var) for (participants)?

Comparison Example [using all 3 rules]:

How do African American 10th grade females and White, non-Hispanic 10th grade females compare in their plans for post-secondary education?

Qualitative Research Questions


1. Ask only a few general questions [no Yes/No questions] to permit participants to share information with you
2. Ask questions that are neutral exploratory language that does not convey conclusions you expect
3. Design and write 2 question types: Central Questions and Sub-Questions
4. Questions often change between the Concept Paper and Proposal Stage... This is a "living" document.

Central Question Guideline s

1. Begin with "How" or "What". Avoid "Why" [this is a quantitative term that implies cause and effect]
2. List the central phenomenon you plan to explore
3. Identify the participants and research site

Qualitative Central Question Script:

What is (the central phenomenon) of/for (participants) at/in (research site)?

Qualitative Examples:

What is the role of store managers in employee satisfaction of hourly workers at Staples?

What is the process of the curriculum committee in making decisions about courses?

How does a President's leadership style impact employee engagement at Saint Leo's University?

How will establishing a community advisory committee impact giving by senior citizens in Orlando, Florida? How will CAI impact the reading achievement of at-risk third grade students at six elementary schools in Las Vegas, Nevada?

Sub-Question Guidelines - Same as for the Central Question but are more specific

Qualitative Sub-Question Script:

What is (the sub-question issue) of/for (participants -optional) at/in (research site - optional)?

Qualitative Central Question Examples:

Central Question:

What is the role of store managers in employee satisfaction of hourly workers at Staples?

Procedural Sub-Questions:

Who are the store managers?
What are their qualifications?
How do they interact with hourly employees?

How does their interaction differ between full- and part-time employees? How does their interaction differ between day and evening employees?

Issue Sub-Questions:

When do hourly workers become aware of being dissatisfied?
What is the difficulty that managers have in determining hourly worker satisfaction?

Important Notes:

Notice that the sub-questions will now help you formulate the questions you would ask on a survey or in structured interviews, because these are the procedures and issues that you will need clarified to answer the central question.

Let me stress again - Your Purpose Statement and Research Questions are as closely bound together as the lock on a safe and its combination - Not just any set of numbers will unlock the lock. The entire collection of numbers must match before the safe may be opened.
Only when you get a good purpose statement or statements can you then formulate the set of research questions that must be answered to achieve the purpose of your study. Those that start with the questions are often doomed... Ok, maybe that is overstated, but take my advice, start with a solid purpose.

How Many Research Questions Did You End Up With In Your List? There should be 3-5 questions.

Could there be 2? É Maybe
Could there be 6 or 7? É. Maybe
The More There Are The More Difficult The Study.


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HR Management: What is the role of store managers in employee satisfaction
Reference No:- TGS02611058

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