
What is the role of power when defining racism



Please use the films "Valentine Road," "Who Killed Vincent Chin?, and "Fruitvale Station" to frame your essay.

And Please address the ALL of the questions/sub-questions for full credit!!!

1) Define racism

- What is the role of power when defining racism?
- Using the assigned films: Provide one example of conscious/overt/purposeful racism.
- Using the assigned films: Provide one example of how racism occurred below the level of consciousness.

2) Compare and contrast the films "Valentine Road," "Who Killed Vincent Chin?, and "Fruitvale Station."

- What are the fundamental themes/issues that connect them? Name at least 2.

-Be sure and reference all the films listed above for full credit.

3) Reference at least two readings from the Racism section.

4) In all three films, many people did not recognize that racism played a part in the situations they confronted.

- What you do believe is the role of denial when discussing racism? Why are many people reluctant to admit its existence?
1 1/2 to 2 single spaced pages!

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Other Subject: What is the role of power when defining racism
Reference No:- TGS01946106

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