Discussion: Motivations and Evolution of Terrorism
Compose a response to the following prompts using ct2learn OR other external resources:
- From the Military Guide to Terrorism in the 21st Century and from; Terrorist Motivations and Behaviors please share what you learned from your review.
- From the learning Resources; A Free Society is the Best Defense against Terrorism, Share with us what you have learned.
- In review of current Mideast conflict: On June 29, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant announced that it was changing its name to simply the Islamic State and that it was re-establishing the caliphate -- an Islamic empire that once spanned much of the Middle East (Links to an external site.), explain their growth over this past year/s.
- In review of current Mideast conflict: the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant is much more accurately referred to as a militant group -- a group that uses terrorism as one of its diverse military tools, describe some their media techniques being utilized to gain world attention.
- As a very open-ended question; what is the role of media in supporting terrorism?
Answer a discussion question as ONE essay post & make two replies to other students. Please separate all three posts by 24 hours to prevent everyone from waiting until the last moment.