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SHORT ANSWER - Please provide a two to three sentence answer to each question.
1) The main objective of deregulation in transportation was?
2) An oligopoly can be defined as:
3) What the primary mission of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration?
ESSAY - (Please select two of the following questions and provide a one to three paragraph response)
- What is the role of industry associations in connection with transportation policy development?
- Transportation project planning is described as a public activity where purely financial return is not the overriding benefit to be attained. Give the reasons why this activity is a major part of the public activity in the U.S. economy.
- Transportation safety continues to receive significant government attention. Is this linked to economic deregulation? Explain your answer. What is the intent of federal safety regulations?
- Distinguish between the terms "rates" and "price" as relates to transportation?
- Define and discuss Cost of Service Pricing.
- What is the current status of rates under deregulation?