
What is the risk to human because of the natural hazards -

Report / essay

Task: For a selected location: (chosen Somalia)

- Summarise the risks associated with the natural hazards that are present
- Provide an assessment of the measures in place to manage the associated risks
- Discuss steps that could be taken to improve hazard preparedness in this location

Include: maps, diagrams and references to appropriate information sources.

So, the writer need to provide evidence that Somalia is suffering from droughts with accurate data & diagrams.

What is the risk to human because of the natural Hazards

For example, civil war/ famine/ non-functional government / country GDP, etc which is going to prove that people are vulnerable.

Writer needs to summaries all hazards.

Utilise terms, definitions and concepts that are presented throughout the module this week; these may include ‘hazard', ‘resilience', ‘sustainability', ‘climate change', ‘early warning' or ‘preparedness'.

Present concrete information, case-studies and/or data to back-up both the need for the project and its potential to be successful.

Engage somewhat with contemporary academic literature to demonstrate an understanding of relevant themes in related disciplines.

Suggested Procedure:

a) Choose a place, region or country (SOMALIA) that is exposed to multiple hazards. Understand the nature of the hazards in this chosen region e.g. their frequency, magnitude, interrelatedness or compounding factors and understand the vulnerability of the population. A thorough risk assessment is essential.

b) Then research:
i. Current international and national strategies that emphasise the importance of sustainable risk reduction and hazard mitigation (both generic and also focusing on your chosen hazard).
ii. Techniques of hazard mitigation that would be appropriate for your chosen region. You should consider social/cultural issues, hard-engineering solutions and softer alternatives. Bear in mind future influences as a result of possible environmental change.

c) Reference widely and correctly!

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:

1. Explain key concepts and processes relating to environmental hazards and their complexity, uncertainty and probability of occurrence.

2. Assess the role of human intervention versus ‘doing nothing', in natural hazard management.

3. Appraise key issues in terms of the vulnerability of key natural resources to natural hazard events, and the consequences for natural hazard management of a changing climate.

4. Evaluate strategies and policies for natural hazard risk reduction in regions prone to environmental hazards, in the light of understanding how the vulnerability and resilience of people differs due to both environmental/physical and societal factors.

3000 words with at least 20 References.

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Dissertation: What is the risk to human because of the natural hazards -
Reference No:- TGS02826777

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