
What is the risk and complexity category of your project


You are a consultant and must present a project plan to a public institution (such as a municipality or a provincial or federal ministry). This institution wishes to find one or more innovative solutions to the problematic situation: Fluidity of transport between Aylmer (Gatineau, Quebec) and Kanata (Ottawa, Ontario).

• In the perspective of proposing a project to take charge of the problematic situation, say why (what justifications) and how (mode of action) you would go about doing so

o An analysis of the problem and needs
o An analysis of the relevance of the project (2 levels)
o An options analysis (work on at least 2 options)
o A feasibility analysis (2 types of feasibility)

What is the risk and complexity category of your project based on the risk and complexity analysis? Explain why?

• From what you can envisage as a solution, present a concise logic model.

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Reference No:- TGS03327271

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