
What is the rhetorical conversation about this topic how

Argument Analysis Essay Assignment

Write a2-3 page argument analysis of any ONE of the following selections (see attachments for full text)

• "No Need to Panic about Global Warming" (Logical fallacy analysis, included below)
• Any essay from the text
• Jon Stewart Gun Control video.

What is an Argument Analysis? In this essay, you are asked to look at the tools and effectiveness of an author's argument/rhetorical style in supporting a thesis. This kind of analysis asks you to recognize certain persuasive techniques and to use your critical thinking and reading to evaluate them. Your analysis of the argument is separate from any agreement or disagreement you may feel about the author's position. You may find that a topic is incredibly well-argued, even if you disagree, and vice versa.

Structure of Essay

Introductions:Attention Grabber, Context, Thesis, Overview.

Your thesis:Your thesis should address the question of whether the argument is convincing and/or effective, and if the author's rhetorical techniques adequately support his/her thesis. Consider narrowing your treatment of the selection to a few rhetorical situations. Consider the following as a basis for your thesis:

• An analysis of the appeals logos, pathos, and ethos in the selection
• An analysis of how logical fallacies or blatant bias affect the credibility of the argument
• An analysis of the types of evidence used. Is evidence appropriate and abundant, or missing and non-relevant?


Summary/Description of the video/article/essay and the current relevancy of the topic in our world. What is the piece's thesis? What is the rhetorical conversation about this topic? (Who is talking about it? Why? Where?)

How does this selection address a specific point about the broader topic? Example: What event is Jon Stewart responding to and what are the positions, as you know them, generally held about gun control? How does he contribute to the conversation?

Body Paragraphs

Your main arguments that support your thesis. Topic sentences, evidence, and transitions.


Restate your thesis in a new way and leave your reader with a strong recommendation/powerful statement about the presentation of the article and the topic.

2-3 pages, Solid grammar, mechanics, spelling and MLA format required.

No Need to Panic About Global Warming.

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Other Subject: What is the rhetorical conversation about this topic how
Reference No:- TGS02684621

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