
What is the resulting regression equation

The Excel file MetAreas.xls in Files and Documents contains data on 325 metropolitan areas in the United States. The file contains ratings from Places Rated Almanac about each city on cost of living, jobs, education, recreation, crime, and health care. It also contains an overall desirability score (Column H) for each city.

(a) Use regression to develop a model that relates the overall desirability score (dependent variable) to the other ratings. Include only variables that have a p value of .05 or less. What is the resulting regression equation?

(b) What would the model predict for the overall desirability score for a metropolitan area with the following ratings:

  • Cost of Living 75
  • Jobs 40
  • Education 65
  • Recreation 50
  • Crime 40
  • Healthcare 35

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Reference No:- TGS0545989

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