A thermistor is a solid-state device widely used in a variety of engineering applications. Its primary characteristic is that its electric resistance varies greatly with temperature. Its temperature dependence is given approximately by R = R0eB/T, where R is in ohms (Ω), T is in kelvins, and R0 and B are constants that can be determined by measuring R at calibration points such as the ice point and the steam point.(a) If R = 7388 Ω at the ice point and 129 Ω at the steam point, find R0 and B.
R0 = answer in Ω
B = answer in K
b) What is the resistance of the thermistor at T= 98.6°F? answer in Ω
(c) What is the rate of change of the resistance with temperature (dR/dT) at the ice point and the steam point?
ice point: answer in Ω/K
Steam point: answer in Ω/K