In a warehouse, water held in one tank (at h=10 ft) is required to pump water to another tank (at h=50 ft) on the other side of the warehouse;both tanks are open to the atmosphere. Both tanks have the pipes attached on the bottom side, in the center. The piping is directed around obstacles, in which it must go from tank 1 to the ground (h=10ft to h=0ft), travel 50 feet to the wall, 25 ft feet down that wall, and then straight up (to h= 50 ft) to the 2nd tank. - In this route, there are 3 elbows, and 3 open globe valves (1 at each of the tanks (2 total), and 1 located midway on the 25ft section of pipe. There is a flow rate of 15 gallons per min flowing though the pipes. What is the the required pump horsepower, total pressure drop, and pipe diameter using iterative methods to solve and taking minor losses into effect?