
What is the relationship which type of relationship how

You are welcome to use any part of the tasks completed. You would have had the chance to discuss them in the classroom. When you feel like you would like to improve and enrich your weekly task feel free to do so, this will not be any reason for penalizing your work, the opposite.

-In the summative portfolio submission please address the points discussed in the following slides

Network Analysis

-With reference to the analysis performed during the course and enriching/editing them further, and making use of relevant academic references, reflect on the structure and properties of your personal network. Which are its main characteristics? Why?

-In this section you are expected to provide a quantitative and visual analysis of your data.

-Start with identifying the network in its basic features: what is the relationship, which type of relationship, how many actors, which attributes.

-Use the network metrics introduced during the course (use Netdraw to calculate them) at the

-Individual level
-Group level
-Network level

-Do not just present numbers, provide an interpretation
-e.g. what is the meaning of being "central" or to be a "broker"? Link with theories when possible
-Compare different actors and networks in case it is possible.
-Use concepts introduced in the course
-e.g. informal roles, culture and teams, ...
-Use proper visualizations in Netdraw and include them in the submission
-Make an effective use of legend, coloring, etc
-You know the data, explain the results!
-e.g. why some actors are more important? Why some groups are identified?

Your personal network

-Considering your characteristics and networking style and making reference to relevant research in this area, which are the risks and opportunities you identify for yourself in building your professional network in the future and which actions do you plan to take in order to build a more effective professional network?

-The role of networks in the job market has been discussed in the course. Link your network with some theories (e.g. Granovetter) and relevant papers discussed in the lecture. Why some structures are better than others?
-Which advantages and disadvantages do you see in your personal network? Why?
-Use network metrics and attributes to support your view
-During the course several advantages and disadvantages of networking, network structures and networking styles have been discussed - use them to interpret your network

Your network as an R&D department (600 words)

- Now, supposing the network you obtained represents the R&D department of a multinational company, use network analysis concepts and measures to identify (600 words):

- Potential leaders and other relevant informal roles (see course materials on informal roles in organizations)

- The presence of subgroups, discussing their potential origins and consequences of such structure for the functioning of the department

- Other characteristics of the network, in terms of structure and composition, which might affect the functioning of the department and the possibility to achieve the expected outcome.

- Potential organizational intervention to improve functioning of the network.

- Be specific and precise when discussing your network(s). Use technical language, correct metrics and technical expressions

- Integrate effectively visual representation and quantitative analysis
- Critically reflect on what you are discussing: e.g. centrality in a communication network has not the same meaning in a "dislike" network

- Your analysis, interpretation and reflections should be rooted in relevant theories and topics discussed in the course, use appropriate referencing, but without repeating theories

- Use real examples, not vague, ideal scenarios

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Business Management: What is the relationship which type of relationship how
Reference No:- TGS02739353

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